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Persecuted Art .:. & Artists

Bar-Gera, Kenda and Wolfgang Zemter [ed.], Persecuted art & artists under totalitarian regimes in Europe during the 20th century. Bönen 2003.
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Bar-Gera, Kenda and Wolfgang Zemter [ed.],
Persecuted art & artists under totalitarian regimes in Europe during the 20th century. Bönen: Kettler, 2003. 285 Seiten mit Abbildungen. Pappband (gebunden). 4to. 1914 g
* Art Museum Ashdod, Israel, Bar-Gera Museum of Persecuted Art Ashdod, Israel, June 22, 2003 - September 21, 2003.
Bestell-Nr.131573 | ISBN: 3-935019-88-2
Persecuted Art | Politik | Kunstgeschichte | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Politische Verfolgung | Totalitarismus

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