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Rucht .:. Research on social movements

Rucht, Dieter [Hrsg.], Research on Social Movements. The state of the art in Western Europe and the USA. Frankfurt am Main / Boulder, Colo. 1991.
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Rucht, Dieter [Hrsg.],
Research on Social Movements. The state of the art in Western Europe and the USA. Frankfurt am Main / Boulder, Colo.: Campus-Verlag / Westview Press, 1991. 464 Seiten mit Literaturverzeichnis. Broschiert. 210 x 148 mm. 564 g
* Schwache Gebrauchsspuren, Umschlag lichtrandig.
Bestell-Nr.160157 | ISBN: 3-593-34298-7 | 978-3-593-34298-6
Rucht | Soziale Bewegungen

The student mobilizations of the 1960s were followed by various protest movements and increasing interest in the systematic analyses of such phenomena. These studies and the debates associated with them, however, are typically restricted to national perspectives to the neglect of important and relevant work done elsewhere. This book offers an international survey of the state-of-the-art of social movement research. It is composed of country-specific reports on theoretical and methodological questions, relevant empirical findings, and institutional aspects of research. The volume addresses on-going controversies, including the debates on the resource mobilization and new social movements approaches, and it offers a general assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this field of study. Each report is accompanied by an annotated bibliography.
Table of Contents
List of Contributors 7
Dieter Rucht 9

Part I. Basic Approaches

New Social Movements and Resource Mobilization:
The European and the American Approach Revisited
Bert Klandermans 17

Part II. The State of the Art in Selected Countries

Social Movement Research and Social Movement Practice:
The U.S. Pattern
Margit Mayer 47

Social Movements and the Social Sciences in Britain
Wolfgang Rüdig, James Mitchell, Jenny Chapman, and Philip D. Lowe 121

The Growth of an Autonomous Research Field:
Social Movement Studies in Italy
Mario Diani and Alberto Melucci 149

The Study of Social Movements in Western Germany:
Between Activism and Social Science
Dieter Rucht 175

Switzerland: A Marginal Field of Research in an Underdeveloped Social Science Community
Hanspeter Kriesi 203

The Study of Social Movements in Austria
Anton Pelinka 230

Research on Social Movements in Sweden
Ron Eyerman and Andrew Jamison 247

Research on Social Movements in Denmark
Peter Gundelach 262

The Netherlands: Action and Protest in a Depillarized Society
Philip van Praag, Jr 295

Part III. Debates and Perspectives

Resource Mobilization Theory: A Critique
Herbert Kitschelt 323

The Continuing Vitality of Resource Mobilization Theory:
Response to Herbert Kitschelt's Critique
Mayer N. Zald 348

Sociological Theory as a Theory of Social Movements?
A Critique of Alain Touraine
Dieter Rucht 355

Commentary on Dieter Rucht's Critique
Alain Touraine 385

Comparing Social Movement Participation in Western Europe and the United States:
Problems, Uses, and a Proposal for Synthesis
Sidney Tarrow 392

The Analysis of Social Movements:
The State of the Art and Some Perspectives for Further Research
Friedhelm Neidhardt and Dieter Rucht 421

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