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Hamilton .:. tropos, 1993

Hamilton, Ann, tropos, 1993. New York 1993.
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Hamilton, Ann,
tropos, 1993. New York: Dia Center for the Arts, 1993. 149 Seiten mit Abbildungen. Leinen. 4to. 260 x 183 mm. 827 g
* Ed. by Lynne Cooke and Karen Kelly : exhibition October 7, 1993 - June 19, 1994, Dia Center for the Arts, New York. - Stempel auf dem Vortitelblatt.
Hamilton | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog

In 1993 [Ann Hamilton] performed her piece tropos at Dia Center for the Arts. The Greek word tropos indicates a turn, physically or figuratively. For the art piece, Hamilton covered the entire warehouse floor with varying colored interwoven horse hair. She sat at a small table, located in the middle of the room. While sitting at the table, she studiously burned each word from a book with an electric heated coil.
Table of Contents

55 Preface
Michael Govan

57 Director's Acknowledgments

59 The Viewer, the Sitter, and the Site: A Splintered Syntax
Lynne Cooke

89 Shearings
Marina Warner

103 On a Detour from Language
Bruce Ferguson

117 In the Shelter of the Word: Ann Hamilton's tropos
Dave Hickey

144 Biography and Bibliography
147 Artist's Acknowledgments
1 Artikel