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Mountevans .:. South with Scott

Evans, Edward [hier: Admiral Lord Mountevans], South with Scott. London, Glasgow 1948.
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Evans, Edward [hier: Admiral Lord Mountevans],
South with Scott. London, Glasgow: Collins, 1948. 288 Seiten mit Abbildungen auf n.p. Tafeln und Karten. Leinen mit Schutzumschlag.
* Schutzumschlag mit Rissen und Fehlstellen, etwas gebräunt.
Mountevans | Reisen | Expeditionen | Abenteurer | Polargebiete | Antarktis | Arctica | Robert Falcon Scott

Admiral Lord Mountevans (Evans of the Broke) is one of the most famous men of action of our time. His book is the story of Scott's ill-C fated Polar expedition of igio of which he (then Lieutenant E.R.G.R. Evans) was second in command. It /tells of the hardships and endurance of gallant men in conflict with the Idreadful conditions of two Antarctic winters and of triumph followed by bitter disappointment when, having 110 reached the Pole, they found that the Norwegian party had forestalled them.
* Lord Mountevans was in charge of the Last Supporting Party which nearly cost him his life, when, on a 1,5oo-mile sledge journey, he fell victim to scurvy and was dragged by two exhausted companions to a de-serted camp on the Great Ice Barrier. He was taken off on the terra Nova and, after a short spell in England to complete his recovery, he sailed south from New Zealand to bring home the expedition and was shock-ed to learn that Scott and his party had perished.
* Admiral Lord Mountevans has revised, and the publishers have reset 11 this great epic of heroic adventure, the which is written with all the vigour and authenticity of one who draws freely upon his own experi-ences. The book contains a frontispiece, twenty-seven photographs Wyff, taken on the expedition and three maps.
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