Trimble, Stephen,
The People. Indians of the American Southwest. Santa Fe: School of American Research SAR Press, 1993. XVI, 496 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Broschur. 4to. 254 x 187 mm.
Bestell-Nr.159496 | ISBN: 0-933452-37-3 | 978-0-933452-37-4
Trimble |
Nordamerika |
Indianer |
Ethnologie |
Native peoples of the American Southwest, who know themselves by names that in their own languages mean "The People," are fiercely dedicated to preserving their lands, their families, and their ethnicity. Despite the difficulties they face—loss of land and water rights, poverty, attempts at assimilation—they remain emotionally connected to their past. These feelings keep traditions alive and dynamic. For nearly a decade, Stephen Trimble visited the fifty modern Indian nations throughout the American South-west, listening and photographing. Now Trimble seam-lessly weaves together these words and photographs to present an unparalleled picture of The People as they have lived for generations—and as they live today.
Preface, xi
Introduction: We Are the People,
Part One. In the Canyons and Mesas: Plateau Peoples, 3S
The Pueblos, 38
The Hopi, Zuni, Acomo, Laguna, Tigua, and Rio Grande Pueblos
The Navajo, 121
The Pai, 195
The Hualapoi ond Havasupai
Part Two. In the Dry Mountains: Upland Peoples, 225
The Yavapai, 229
The Apache, 245
The Chiricahua, Mescolero, Jicarilla, and Western Apache
The Ute, 297
The Ute Mountain und Southern Utes
The Southern Paiute, 324
Part Three. In the House ofthe Sun: Desert Peoples, 351
The O'odham,
The Sond Papago, Tohono (Yodham, Ak-Chin, and Pima
The Maricopa, 385
The Colorado River Tribes, 392
The Mojave, Chemehuevi, Quechan, ond Cocopah
The Yaqui, 420
Conclusion: We Are the Land, 433
Chapter Notes, 459
Calendar of Events, 473
Index, 477