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Marcoci .:. Thomas Demand

Marcoci, Roxana [cur.], Thomas Demand. New York 2005.
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Marcoci, Roxana [cur.],
Thomas Demand. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2005. 144 pages with illustrations, bibliography and index. Hardcover. 4to oblong. 1628 g
* In conjunction with the Exhibition "Thomas Demand" at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 4 - May, 30, 2005. With a short story by Jeffrey Eugenides. - Einbandkanten mit kleinen Druckspuren.
Bestell-Nr.148415 | ISBN: 0-87070-080-4
Marcoci | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Exhibition Catalogue | Photographie | Fotografie | Thomas Demand | Biographien Kunst | Kuenstlermonographien

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