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Sepphoris .:. in Galilee

Martin Nagy, Rebecca et al. [ed.], Sepphoris in Galilee. Crosscurrents of culture. Raleigh 1996.
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Martin Nagy, Rebecca et al. [ed.],
Sepphoris in Galilee. Crosscurrents of culture. Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1996. xii, 240 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Literaturverzeichnis. Kartoniert. 4to. 953 g
* North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, North Carolina, 17 November 1996-6 July 1997: Kelsey Museum of Archaelogy and the University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 7 September 1997-14 December 1997: Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 24 January 1998-12 April 1998. - Bibliotheksexemplar, diverse Registraturnummern und Stempel. Schwache Gebrauchsspuren
Bestell-Nr.157221 | ISBN: 0882599712
Sepphoris | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Archaeologie | Vorderasien | Orient | Sepphoris | Alte Geschichte | Altertum | Antike | Palestine

Lenders to the Exhibition
vi Major Contributors to the Israel/North Carolina Cultural Exchange
Contributors to the Catalogue
1 Editors' Preface
3 Introduction and Acknowledgments
Rebecca Martin Nagy

The History of Sepphoris and the Archaeological Evidence
10 Map of Ancient Palestine
11 Chronology of Periods
13 Site Plan of Excavations at Sepphoris
15 Sepphoris and Lower Galilee: Earliest Times through the Persian Period
Carol L. Meyers
21 Hellenistic and Roman Sepphoris: The Historical Evidence
Stuart S. Miller
29 Hellenistic and Roman Sepphoris: The Archaeological Evidence
Zeev Weiss and Ehud Netzer
39 The Residential Quarter on the Western Summit
Kenneth G. Hoglund and Eric M. Meyers
45 The Aqueducts of Sepphoris
Tsvika Tsuk
51 Daily Life in Galilee and Sepphoris
Isaiah Gafni
59 Jewish Sepphoris: A Great City of Scholars and Scribes
Stuart S. Miller
67 Christianity in Sepphoris and in Galilee
Sean Freyne
75 Jesus' Relation to Sepphoris
E. P. Sanders
81 Sepphoris during the Byzantine Period
Zeev Weiss and Ehud Netzer
91 Sepphoris in the Arab Period
Seth Ward
101 The Crusader Period and the Church of Saint Anne at Sepphoris
Jaroslav Folda

Some Mosaics and Buildings of Sepphoris
111 The Dionysos Mosaic
Carol L. Meyers, Eric M. Meyers, Ehud Netzer, and Zeev Weiss
117 The Eastern Basilical Building
James F. Strange
123 The Birds and Fishes Mosaic
Lucille A. Roussin
127 The Mosaics of the Nile Festival Building
Zeev Weiss and Ehud Netzer
133 The Synagogue Mosaic
Zeev Weiss and Ehud Netzer

Sepphoris Today
143 Zippori National Park
Ehud Netzer and Binyamin Shalev
149 Conclusion
Eric M. Meyers

154 Catalogue of the Exhibition
240 Selected Bibliography on Sepphoris
Détails du produit
1 Article