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ASB Gallery .:. Hans Falk

Falk, Hans, Concept for living with the arts. [London, München, Chernex] 1987.
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Falk, Hans,
Concept for living with the arts. [London, München, Chernex]: ASB Gallery, 1987. 36 Seiten mit Abbildungen. Klappenbroschur. 4to. 297 x 211 mm. 252 g

ASB Gallery | Kunsttheorie | Malerei

Robert Cohen, The Artist as Workman (en)
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Notizen zu Hans Falk (de)
Fritz Billeter, I quadri "Container" di Hans Falk 1980/82 (it)
Paul Nizon, Note sur Hans Falk 1986 (fr)
Détails du produit
1 Article