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Dogancay .:. A Retrospective

Dogançay, Burhan, A Retrospective. Istanbul 2001.
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Dogançay, Burhan,
A Retrospective. Istanbul: Duran Editions, 2001. 390 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Leinen mit Schutzumschlag. 4to.
* Ausstellung im Dolmabahçe Cultural Center, Istanbul, 06.04.-27.05.2001.
Bestell-Nr.160717 | ISBN: 9789759742720
Dogancay | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Malerei


Preface 9
Jacques Rigaud

Introduction 11
Thomas M. Messer

Interview 13
Emel Budak

Early Works 1952-1964 21

Dogançay: A Heroic Quest 59
Eleanor Flomenhaft

The Evolution of Dogançay's Wall Art 85
Necmi Sonmez

Wall Paintings 1964 - 1976 103
Doors 1965 -1993 and Hearts 1972-1999 149
Subway Walls 1967 - 1999 165
Ribbons Series 1975 - 1985 175
Wall Paintings 1986 - 1995 183
Alexander's Walls 1995 - 2000 229
Lithographs 1969 - 1977 247

Burhan Dogançay and Aubusson Tapestries 261
Jean-François Picaud

Workshops in Aubusson 265
Zeynep Rona

Shadow Sculpture: Burhan Dogançay's Real Shadows 269
Zeynep Rona

The Photography of Burhan Dogançay 275
Phillip Lopate

Photographs 287
Chronology 374
Exhibition History 379
Collections 382
Bibliography 384
Contributors 388
Index 389
Détails du produit
1 Article