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Rubens .:. An exhibition / Detroit 1936

Rubens, Peter Paul, An exhibition of sixty paintings and some drawings by Peter Paul Rubens. Detroit 1936.
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Rubens, Peter Paul,
An exhibition of sixty paintings and some drawings by Peter Paul Rubens. Detroit: Institute of Arts, 1936. ca. 70 Seiten mit 23 s/w Abbildungen. Broschiert. 228 x 153 mm.
* Eighteenth loan exhibition of old masters, February 13, to March 15, 1936. The catalogue was prepared by W.R. Valentiner, with the assistance of Josephine Walther. - Bibliotheksexemplar mit diversen Stempeln und Registraturnummern.
Rubens | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Malerei

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