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Plimpton .:. Truman Capote

Plimpton, George, Truman Capote. In which various friends, enemies, acquaintances, and detractors recall his turbulent career. New York [etc,] 1997.
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Plimpton, George,
Truman Capote. In which various friends, enemies, acquaintances, and detractors recall his turbulent career. New York [etc,]: Anchor Books / Doubleday, 1997. XIV, 498 Seiten mit Abbildungen, Literaturverzeichnis und Register. Kartoniert. Grossoktav. 614 g

Bestell-Nr.150465 | ISBN: 0-385-49173-5
Plimpton | Biographien Literatur | Literaturgeschichte | Sekundaerliteratur Truman Capote | Nordamerika | Truman Capote | Anglistik

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