Jessop, Bob,
The Future of the Capitalist State. Cambridge, UK, Malden, MA: Polity, 2005. 330 Seiten mit Literaturverzeichnis und Register. Broschur. Grossoktav. 228 x 153 mm.
Bestell-Nr.158204 | ISBN: 0-7456-2273-9
Jessop |
Soziologie |
Oekonomie |
Politik |
List of Boxes viii
List of Tables and Figure ix
Preface x
Abbreviations xii
Introduction 1
I Capitalism and the Capitalist Type of State 11
1 Capital as a Social Relation 12
2 Accumulation as a Principle of Societalization 22
3 Capital, the State, and Policy Regimes 36
4 On Spatio-temporal Fixes 48
5 Governance and Metagovernance 51
6 Concluding Remarks 53
2 The Keynesian Welfare National State 55
1 On Atlantic Fordism 56
2 KWNS 58
3 Distinctive Features of the KWNS as a National State 71
4 The KWNS and the Spatio-temporal Fix of Atlantic Fordism 73
5 Crisis 80
6 The Discursive Mediation of Crisis 92
3 The Schumpeterian Competition State 95
1 Post-Fordism and the Knowledge-based Economy 96
2 Old and New Contradictions in Post-Fordism 103
3 The Impact of Globalization 113
4 Schumpeterian Policies and Competitiveness 119
5 Building the Competition State as a Response 123
6 Discourse and Discursive Change 132
7 How this Corresponds to Post-Fordism 133
8 Concluding Remarks 139
4 Social Reproduction and the Workfare State 140
1 Preliminary Considerations 141
2 Alternative Approaches to Welfare State Reform 143
3 The Specificity of the Welfare State in Atlantic Fordism 148
4 Towards the Workfare State 152
5 Collective Consumption and the Competition State 162
6 Concluding Remarks 168
5 The Political Economy of State Rescaling 172
1 The National State 173
2 Crisis in the National Character of the KWNS 174
3 The Political Economy of Scale 177
4 Scales of Competition 187
5 Trends in the State 193
6 Countertrends in the State 201
7 Rescaling and the KWNS: The Case of Europe 204
8 Is There Still a Role for the National State? 211
9 Concluding Remarks 213
6 From Mixed Economy to Metagovernance 216
1 The Material Bases of Governance Mechanisms 217
2 Market and State Failure 224
3 Tie Governance of Atlantic Fordism and Beyond 231
4 Governance Failure?
5 Metagovernance 240
6 Metagovernance Failure 243
7 Concluding Remarks 245
7 Towards Schumpeterian Workfare Postnational Regimes? 247
1 Trends and Claims 248
2 The Ideal-Typical SWPR 250
3 On the Use of Ideal Types
4 Alternative SWPR Strategies 259
5 Post-Fordism and the SW PR 267
6 Resolving Offe's Paradox: Capitalism and the Welfare
State 275
Notes 277
References 286
Index 312