Beach, Hugh [ed.],
Contributions to Circumpolar Studies. Uppsala: University, 1986. viii, 181 Seiten mit Literaturverzeichnis. Broschur. 207 x 147 mm. 279 g
* Uppsala Reports in Cultural Anthropology, No. 7. - On Saami in Alaska; National Parks and Native Peoples in Northern Canada; Traditional Reindeer Husbandry among the Evens of Kamchatka in the Beginning of the 1920's. - Umschlag schwach lichtrandig und fleckig.
Beach |
Ethnologie |
Voelkerkunde |
Polargebiete |
Arktis |
Antarktis |
Preface vii
The Saami in Alaska: Ethnic Relations and Reindeer Herding 1
by Hugh Beach
National Parks and Native Peoples: A Study of the Experience of Selected Other Jurisdictions with a View to Cooperation in Northern Canada 83
by Nancy Weeks
Traditional Reindeer Husbandry among the Evens of Kamchatka in the Beginning of the 1920's
From the Ethnographical Field Notes of Sten Bergman 151
by Ingvar Svanberg and Leif Lindin
Contributors 181