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Zvelebil .:. The Irulas of the Blue Mountains

Zvelebil, Kamil V., The Irulas of the Blue Mountains. Syracuse 1988.
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Zvelebil, Kamil V.,
The Irulas of the Blue Mountains. Syracuse: Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, 1988. XVIII, 186 Seiten mit Abbildungen, Literaturverzeichnis und Register. Broschur. Grossoktav. 227 x 151 mm. 335 g
* Foreign and comparative studies, 13. - Brüchige Klebebindung.
Bestell-Nr.159387 | ISBN: 0915984911 | 9780915984916
Zvelebil | Ethnologie | Voelkerkunde | Indien | Irula

Table of Contents
Acknowledgnents xi
Note on Transliteration and Pronunciation
Map of the Nilgiri Area
1 The Nilgiris
2 The Irula Counü-y 19
3 Plants, Beasts, and Birds in Irula Life and Lore 33
4 The Irulas and Others 49
5 Day-to-Day Life of the Irulas 67
6 Ihe Life Cycle 93
7 The Irula Language and Verbal Art 107
8 Irula Stories, Dance, and Music 115
9 Irula Religion 135
10 Myths 149
Ne Plus Ultra 163
Appendix A 167
Appendix B 169
Bibliography 171
Index 176
Note on the Author 187
Détails du produit
1 Article