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Hiller .:. The Myth of Primitivism

Hiller, Susan [ed.], The Myth of Primitivism. Perspectives on Art. London, NY 1991.
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Hiller, Susan [ed.],
The Myth of Primitivism. Perspectives on Art. London, NY: Routledge, 1991. viii, 355 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Broschur. Grossoktav. 234 x 155 mm. 702 g

Hiller | Ethnologie | Voelkerkunde | Philosophie | Kunsttheorie

Explores the fusion of myth, history and geography which leads to ideas of primitivism, and examines their construction, interpretation and consumption in Western culture. The author provides a critique of the history of primitivism, describing its implications for contemporary culture.
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1 Article