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Forde .:. Habitat Economy and Society
Forde, C. Daryll, Habitat Economy and Society. A Geographical Introduction to Ethnology. London 1979.
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Forde, C. Daryll,
Habitat Economy and Society. A Geographical Introduction to Ethnology. London: Methuen, 1979. xv, 500 pages with drawings and index. Paperback. 599 g
* up 58. - Introduction to the ethnography and human geography of non-European peoples
Forde | Geographie | Ethnologie | Voelkerkunde
Habitat Economy and Society. A Geographical Introduction to Ethnology. London: Methuen, 1979. xv, 500 pages with drawings and index. Paperback. 599 g
* up 58. - Introduction to the ethnography and human geography of non-European peoples
Forde | Geographie | Ethnologie | Voelkerkunde
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1 Article