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Titcomb, Margaret, Native use of fish in Hawaii.

Titcomb, Margaret, Native use of fish in Hawaii. Honolulu 1977.
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Titcomb, Margaret,
Native use of fish in Hawaii. 2. Auflage. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977. 175 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Kartoniert. Grossoktav. 258 g
* With the collaboration of Mary Kawena Pukui. Originally published in 1952 as Memoir 29 of the Polynesian Society, Wellington, New Zealand.
Bestell-Nr.97206 | ISBN: 0824805925 | 978-0824805925
Titcomb Margaret | Ozeanien | Pazifik | Hawai | Ethnologie | Voelkerkunde | Fischen | Fischerei | Angeln

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