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Matisse .:. Retrospective 1966

Matisse, Henri, Retrospective 1966. Lausanne 1965.
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Matisse, Henri,
Retrospective 1966. Lausanne: Press of the Imprimeries Réunies, 1965. 207 pages, illustrated. Paperback. 4to. 869 g
* Texts by Jean Leymarie, Herbert Read and William S. Liebermann. - Spine bumped, some stains, slightly browned, short notes on pre-title and titlepage.
Matisse |

4 Acknowledgements
7 Letter from Henri Matisse to Henry Clifford
9 The Paintings of Matisse by jean Leymarie
19 The Sculpture of Matisse by Herbert Read
25 Notes an Matisse as a Draftsman by William S. Lieberman
3o Reproductions of the paintings
122 Reproductions of the sculptures
142 Reproductions of the drawings
162 Reproductions of the graphics
17o Reproductions of the découpages

173 Bibliography
178 Exhibitions and catalogues
181 Catalogue of the exhibition
182 Paintings
193 Sculptures
196 Drawings
201 Graphics
207 Découpages
Détails du produit
1 Article