Pace, David,
Claude Lévi-Strauss - the Bearer of Ashes. London u.a.: Ark Paperbacks, 1986. viii, 263 Seiten mit Literaturverzeichnis und Register. Broschiert. 198 x 130 mm. 245 g
* Ungelesen, Papier gebräunt.
Bestell-Nr.160118 | ISBN: 0-7448-0038-2 | 978-0-7448-0038-8
Pace |
Philosophie |
Soziologie |
Ethnologie |
Voelkerkunde |
Biographien Sozialwissenschaften |
Claude Levi Strauss |
Claude Lévi-Strauss is one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century, a leading exponent of structuralism and a great social anthropologist. Yet he is a very private and isolated figure who has been reticent about himself, and this revealing book provides a fascinating insight into Lévi-Strauss's character through a careful reading of the more speculative passages of his books and interviews. It is a very readable introduction to Lévi-Strauss and his work, which places the world-view of this great French writer in the context of twentieth-century intellectuals' struggles to come to grips with cultural relativism and the problem of the primitive.