Wigh, Leif [cur.], Staden som livsrum. Stockholm i fotografernas ögon 1845-1980 = City dwellings. Stockholm seen through the photographers' eyes 1845-1980. Stockholm 2001.
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Wigh, Leif [cur.], Staden som livsrum. Stockholm i fotografernas ögon 1845-1980 = City dwellings. Stockholm seen through the photographers' eyes 1845-1980. Stockholm: Moderna Museet, 2001. 63 Seiten mit Abbildungen. Broschiert. 220 x 165 mm. * 2.11.2001-13.1.2002. Bestell-Nr.160724 | ISBN: 9171006494 | 9789171006493Stockholm | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Photographie | Fotografie | Architekturfotografie | Schweden
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Wigh, Leif [cur.], Staden som livsrum. Stockholm i fotografernas ögon 1845-1980 = City dwellings. Stockholm seen through the photographers' eyes 1845-1980. Stockholm 2001.