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Nicholson .:. Greek, Etruscan and Roman pottery

Nicholson, Felicity, Greek, Etruscan and Roman pottery and small terracottas. A brief guide for the small collector, with a note on Greek dress. London 1965.
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Nicholson, Felicity,
Greek, Etruscan and Roman pottery and small terracottas. A brief guide for the small collector, with a note on Greek dress. London: Cory Adams & Mackay, 1965. 66 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Literaturverzeichnis. Leinen mit Schutzumschlag. 4to. 366 g
* Schutzumschlag mit Rissen.
Nicholson | Handwerk | Kunsthandwerk | Keramik | Alte Geschichte | Altertum | Antike | Etrusk | Imperium Romanum | Hellenistik | Sammeln

The layman tends to think of antiquities as so rare that they must be the preserve of museums and great public collections. In fact, while this is true of the more important pieces, there are many pieces which—though unimportant perhaps for the specialist—are objects of considerable interest and beauty. These provide a fascinating field for the collector of limited means for, in addition to the aesthetic pleasure they give, they provide a direct insight into the lives and customs of the people of the two great civilizations on which the western world is built. This book is intended for the beginner, and covers the pottery and small terracotta sculpture produced in the Mediterranean area, excluding Egypt, between about 3,000 B.C. and A.D. 40o. The subject is shown against its historical background and the most typical shapes and styles of decoration are described for recognition purposes. Since the text is directed specifically at the small collector, the illustrations have been chosen with this in mind and rarer pieces have been excluded; in fact, the majority of the objects shown have appeared on the market within recent years. A valuable section on clothes and hairstyles has been included as an aid to dating and placing both pots and terracotta sculptures.
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