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Kohler .:. On the Prehistory of Marriage
Kohler, Josef, On the Prehistory of Marriage. Totemism, Group Marriage, Mother Right. Chicago, London 1979.
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Kohler, Josef,
On the Prehistory of Marriage. Totemism, Group Marriage, Mother Right. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1979. ix, 298 Seiten mit einer Abbildung als Frontispiz, Literaturverzeichnis und Register. Broschiert. Grossoktav.227 x 152 mm. 370 g
* Classics in anthropology/ Midway reprint. - Zur Urgeschichte der Ehe, translated by R.H. and Ruth Barnes. - Rücken gebleicht, Papier leicht gebräunt.
Bestell-Nr.159937 | ISBN: 0-226-45025-2
Kohler | Soziologie | Vorgeschichte | Fruehgeschichte | Heirat | Totemism | Mother Right
Since the first publication of Kohler's study in 1897, a central body of speculation in anthropology has concerned itself with the connection between classificatory relationship terminologies and rules of descent: almost every major figure in anthropology during the intervening years has made some contribution to this topic, Kohle€s classic work is of historical interest to all anthropologists, since it represents some of the nineteenth-century controversies on basic issues; it remains of living interest to those concerned with alliance theory, kinship terminology, and formal analysis.
In his detailed introduction, R. H. Barnes sketches the arguments of the book. traces their connection to Kohle€s neo-Hegelian legal philosophy, and provides a critical and historical overview of the scholarship that preceded Kohle€s work. as well as that which has grown up around it.
Midway Reprints
Midway Reprints are limited-edition, paper-covered books. The purpose of this series is to keep in print titles for which there is a steady but small demand—out-of-print titles, as well as books which might otherwise have been declared out of print. In order to keep the prices as low as possible, Midway Reprints will not be issued in clothbound editions.
The University of Chicago Press
Paper ISBN: 0-226-45025-2
On the Prehistory of Marriage. Totemism, Group Marriage, Mother Right. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1979. ix, 298 Seiten mit einer Abbildung als Frontispiz, Literaturverzeichnis und Register. Broschiert. Grossoktav.227 x 152 mm. 370 g
* Classics in anthropology/ Midway reprint. - Zur Urgeschichte der Ehe, translated by R.H. and Ruth Barnes. - Rücken gebleicht, Papier leicht gebräunt.
Bestell-Nr.159937 | ISBN: 0-226-45025-2
Kohler | Soziologie | Vorgeschichte | Fruehgeschichte | Heirat | Totemism | Mother Right
Since the first publication of Kohler's study in 1897, a central body of speculation in anthropology has concerned itself with the connection between classificatory relationship terminologies and rules of descent: almost every major figure in anthropology during the intervening years has made some contribution to this topic, Kohle€s classic work is of historical interest to all anthropologists, since it represents some of the nineteenth-century controversies on basic issues; it remains of living interest to those concerned with alliance theory, kinship terminology, and formal analysis.
In his detailed introduction, R. H. Barnes sketches the arguments of the book. traces their connection to Kohle€s neo-Hegelian legal philosophy, and provides a critical and historical overview of the scholarship that preceded Kohle€s work. as well as that which has grown up around it.
Midway Reprints
Midway Reprints are limited-edition, paper-covered books. The purpose of this series is to keep in print titles for which there is a steady but small demand—out-of-print titles, as well as books which might otherwise have been declared out of print. In order to keep the prices as low as possible, Midway Reprints will not be issued in clothbound editions.
The University of Chicago Press
Paper ISBN: 0-226-45025-2
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