Artikel-Nr.: 5515
Weeraperuma, Susunaga. So you are going to emigrate to England, Mohandas.
Weeraperuma, Susunaga. So you are going to emigrate to England, Mohandas. Letter to a coloured emigrant. 1979.
27 Artikel gefunden
Artikel-Nr.: 5515
Weeraperuma, Susunaga. So you are going to emigrate to England, Mohandas. Letter to a coloured emigrant. 1979.
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Drinnenberg, Erwin. Von Ceylon zum Himalaya. Ein Reisebuch. 1926.
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[Vietnam] The Late December 1972. US Blitz on North Viet Nam. 1973.
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Ludwig, Klemens und Korinna Hortha, Osttimor. Das vergessene Sterben. Indonesischer Völkermord unter Ausschlußder Weltöffentlickeit. 1985.
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Ungría, Alfonso, Un Viaje a la India y Ceilan. Población. Historia, Religiones, Artes, Costumbres, Ciudades. 1956.
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Garbe, Eckart, Malaysia - Singapur. Werdegang und Portrait abhängiger Modernisierung. Bremen. 1984.
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Vincent-Priya, Jacqueline, Birth without Doctors. Conversations with Traditional Midwives. 1991.
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Hall, D[aniel] G[eorge], A History of South-East Asia. 4th Edition. London et. 1985.
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Werbner, Pnina (ed.), .
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Craig, Barry, Art and Decoration of Central New Guinea. 1988.
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Lansing, J. Stephen, Priests and Programmers. Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali. Princeton University. 1991.