Dogançay, Burhan,
A Retrospective. Istanbul: Duran Editions, 2001. 390 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Leinen mit Schutzumschlag. 4to. 1958 g
* Ausstellung im Dolmabahçe Cultural Center, Istanbul, 06.04.-27.05.2001.
Bestell-Nr.160717 | ISBN: 9789759742720
Dogancay |
Kunstausstellung |
Ausstellungskatalog |
Preface 9
Jacques Rigaud
Introduction 11
Thomas M. Messer
Interview 13
Emel Budak
Early Works 1952-1964 21
Dogançay: A Heroic Quest 59
Eleanor Flomenhaft
The Evolution of Dogançay's Wall Art 85
Necmi Sonmez
Wall Paintings 1964 - 1976 103
Doors 1965 -1993 and Hearts 1972-1999 149
Subway Walls 1967 - 1999 165
Ribbons Series 1975 - 1985 175
Wall Paintings 1986 - 1995 183
Alexander's Walls 1995 - 2000 229
Lithographs 1969 - 1977 247
Burhan Dogançay and Aubusson Tapestries 261
Jean-François Picaud
Workshops in Aubusson 265
Zeynep Rona
Shadow Sculpture: Burhan Dogançay's Real Shadows 269
Zeynep Rona
The Photography of Burhan Dogançay 275
Phillip Lopate
Photographs 287
Chronology 374
Exhibition History 379
Collections 382
Bibliography 384
Contributors 388
Index 389