Artikel-Nr.: 86630
Ernst, Fritz, Wilhelm Tell.
Ernst, Fritz, Wilhelm Tell. Blätter aus seiner Ruhmesgeschichte. 1979.
239 Artikel gefunden
Artikel-Nr.: 86630
Ernst, Fritz, Wilhelm Tell. Blätter aus seiner Ruhmesgeschichte. 1979.
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Ernst, Fritz, Wilhelm Tell. Blätter aus seiner Ruhmesgeschichte. 1936.
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Vickery, John B., The Literary Impact of The Golden Bough. Princeton University. 1976.
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Siebers, Tobin, The Mirror of Medusa. Berkeley et. 1983.
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Eberhard, Wolfram et al. (ed.), East Asian Civilizations. New Attempts at Understanding Traditions, Vol. 1983.
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Radin, Paul, The Road of Life and Death. A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Princeton University. 1991.
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Shulman, David Dean, The King and the Clown in South Indian Myth and Poetry. Princeton University. 1985.
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Luce, J.V., Atlantis. Legende und Wirklichkeit. Bergisch. 1975.
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Campbell, Joseph, The Masks of.
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Luce, J.V., Atlantis. Legende und Wirklichkeit. Bergisch. 1969.
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Preller, L[udwig], Römische Mythologie. 1865.