Le Strange, Guy [Hrsg.], Palestine Under The Moslems. A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the works of the mediaeval arab geographers. Beirut 1965.
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Le Strange, Guy [Hrsg.], Palestine Under The Moslems. A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the works of the mediaeval arab geographers. Beirut: Khayats, 1965. 604 pages with illustrations and index. Cloth with dust jacket. 800 g* Khayats Oriental Reprints 14. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1890. - Standardwerk, mit neuer Einleitung von Walid Khalidy. - Datumstempel auf dem Vorsatzblatt, Schutzumschlag ausgeleiert und mit Rissen. Bestell-Nr.108145Le Strange | Naher Osten | Islam | Judaica | Palaestina | Syrien | Vorderasien | Orient | Arabistik | Orientalistik | Middle East
1 Artikel
Le Strange, Guy [Hrsg.], Palestine Under The Moslems. A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the works of the mediaeval arab geographers. Beirut 1965.