Ratnam, Bala [ed.],
Anthropology on the March. Recent Studies of Indian Beliefs, Attitudes and Social Institutions. Madras: Social Sciences association, 1963. xvi, 391 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Leinen mit Schutzumschlag. 4to. 250 x 189 mm. 1015 g
* Gebräunt, Deckel leicht konkav verzogen, Schutzumschlag mit Rissen.
Ratnam |
Indien |
Ethnologie |
Voelkerkunde |
Anthropology on the March, as its name indicates, is an impressive parade of man in different environments, and at various stages of cultural progress. It features material from every State or region in India in which notable anthropological work has been done in recent years.
Written by an thropologists of international repute, primarily to honour a pioneer anthro- pologist, L. K. Ananthakrishna Iyer (1861-1937), whose birth centenary was celebrated in Madras in July 1962, these papers aim to provide a certain amount of authoritative information about the Indian social complex.
How does an indigenous society react to its sexual exploitation by the white man ? An outstanding anthropologist analyses the conditions which fostered it, with parti- curar reference to Kerala, and discusses the social problems raised by biological contact between races. There is an analysis of the Negrito problem under anthropological and evolutionary framework, an examination of the racial elements present in the skeletal remains found at Lothal, besides discussions on the facets of marriage and family in India and the U.S.A., tensions between the upper and lower castes, the role of caste in relation to urbanisation and industrialisation, the central importance of the family in the social system, the functional significance of ghotul nomenclature, and a new probe into the origin of the Todas.
Important, as it is, to the specialists and others professionally engaged in the study of man, Anthro- pology on the March will prove of interest to non- professional readers also, as most of the papers are written in clear, precise and non-technical language.
No doubt about it, Anthropology on the March is a work of particular value and lively interest.
List of Contributors vii
Foreword by Dr A. L. Mudaliar ix
Editor's Preface xiii
Introduction by Dr Humayun Kabir xv
Part I: General
1 A. K. Mitra Indian Anthropology Gets into its Stride 3
2 M. S. Gopalakrishnan Shifting Focus of Research 8
3 Bala Ratnam A Name to Remember: Ananthakrishna Blazes a Trail 13
4 A. Aiyappan A Pioneer: Some Reminiscences 61
5 R. N. Saksena Anthropologists and Under-developed Territories 65
Part II A: Prehistoric Archaeology
6 L. A. Krishna Iyer Dating the Past in Kerala 75
Part II B: Physical Anthropology
7 Abhimanyu Sharma Negrito Problem in India: New Perspectives 89
8 B. K. Chatterjee, G. D. Kumar Racial Elements in Post-Harappan Skeletal Remains at Lothal 104
9 S. S. Sarkar The Parawan of Tuticorin: A Rekha Rani Ghosh Preliminary Study 111
10 A. K. Mitra The Aryan Problem in Indian Anthropology 116
11 Samanta Bhadra Recent Race Mixture in Kerala: Some Social Aspects 123
Part II C: Social and Cultural Anthropology
12 T. C. Das Aspects of Tribal Culture under Modern Impact in Eastern India 137
13 U. R. Ehrenfels Towards Understanding of South Indian Social Structure 155
14 Edward B. Harper Spirit Possession and Social Structure 165
15 Owen M. Lynch Some Aspects of Rural-Urban Continuum in India 178
16 Bhabananda Mukherjee Caste-Ranking among Rajbanshis in North Bengal 206
17 Georges Olivier Anthropological Repercussicns of the Caste System 213
18 Indera Paul Singh Caste and Occupation in Simla Hills 221
19 L. P. Vidyarthi Some Aspects of Tension Among Castes229
20 Irawati Karve A Family Through Six Generations 241
21 S. K. Srivastava The Process of Desanskritisation in Village India 263
22 T. N. Madan A Further Note on Pandit Kinship Terminology268
23 M. D. Raghavan The Sinhalese and Their Social System215
24 N. S. Reddy Spatial Variance of Custom in Andhra Pradesh 283
25 Louis Dumont Distribution of Some Maravar Sub.Castes 291
26 K. A. Nilakanta Sastri Facets of Marriage and Family in India and U.S.A.
27 T. S. Wilkinson Functional Significance of Ghotul Nomenclature 315
28 M. S. A. Rao Sanskritisation among the Tiyas of N. Malabar 320
29 K. P. Chattopadhyay Diffusion of a Religious Cult 325
30 M. S. Gopalakrishnan The Cult of the Mother-Goddess 334
31 Sachchidananda Some Recent Evidence of Human Sacrifice 344
32 Kulamani Mohapatra Christianity in a Tribal Village 352
33 P. T. Thomas Adjustments to Changing Environment 364
34 J. T. Cornelius A New Probe into the Origin Of the Todas372
The Contributors 383
General Index 385