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Picasso .:. looks at Degas

Cowling, Elizabeth and Richard Kendall, Picasso looks at Degas. New Haven 2010.
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Cowling, Elizabeth and Richard Kendall,
Picasso looks at Degas. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. 354 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Kartoniert (Klappenbroschur). 4to. 1960 g
* Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Picasso looks at Degas", Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts, 13 June-12 September 2010.
Bestell-Nr.154119 | ISBN: 978-0-931102-86-8
Picasso | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Exhibition Catalogue | Degas Edgar | Picasso Pablo

Directors' Foreword | vii
Lenders to the Exhibition | ix
Acknowledgments | x
Note to the Reader | xiii
Introduction Elizabeth cowling and richard kendall
[ 3
chapter i Academies and "Mad Revolutionaries" richard
kendall | 7
chapter 2 Neighbors in Montmartre richard kendall
| 61
chapter 3 The Ballet: "Work, Pleasure and Vice" richard kendall
| 105
chapter 4 The Rebirth of Venus: Women at Their Toilette Elizabeth cowling
| 157
chapter 5 "The Best Things He Ever Did": Picasso and
Degas's maisons closes Elizabeth cowling | 211
chapter 6 "To Play with Light and Shadow":
Degas and Picasso as Photographers sarah lees | 269
appendix i Olga Khokhlova, Ballerina, and Pablo Picasso cecile godefroy | 282
appendix ii Reactions to the Work of Degas in Picasso's Circle (1881-1900) montse torras | 298
Notes | 308
Works Cited | 329
Checklist of the Exhibition | 337
Index | 343
1 Artikel