Lamborn, Ody H.,
European Vagabondage 1952. New York: Selbstverlag, 1952. 168 Blätter, einseitig kopiert. Blockbuch, Softcover with Clothrücken. 4to. 665 g
* Kopiertes Typoskript der Beschreibung einer Autoreise durch Europa: "During August and September of 1952 my wife and I motored through a number of countries in Europe. (...) A kind of diary of the trip was created in the form of letters I wrote to my son, Bill, describing our travels, experiences and impressions. I have had these letters mimeographed for some of our friends who are interested in travel and who may gain some useful pointers on the subject of the still modest, but growing, practice of travel by car in Europe on the part of Americans." - Schwache Gebrauchsspuren, Umschlag etwas lichtrandig.
Lamborn |
Autos |
Motorfahrzeuge |
Europa Europe |
Reisen |