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Gibson / Woods .:. Prehistoric Pottery

Gibson, Alex and Ann Woods, Prehistoric Pottery for the Archaeologist. London, NY 1990.
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Gibson, Alex and Ann Woods,
Prehistoric Pottery for the Archaeologist. London, NY: Leicester University Press, 1990. xxi, 293 Seiten mit Abbildungen, Literaturverzeichnis und Register. Pappband (gebunden) mit Schutzumschlag. 240 x 160 mm. 700 g
* The first general handbook and reference guide for the study of British prehistoric pottery.
Bestell-Nr.159208 | ISBN: 0-7185-1274-X
Gibson Woods | Handwerk | Kunsthandwerk | Pottery | Toepferei | Archaeologie | Grossbritannien | Handwerk | Kunsthandwerk | Porzellan | Keramik

This is the first general handbook and reference guide for the study of British prehistoric pottery. lt contains a thorough survey of the chronological development of pottery throughout prehistory and into the Roman period, as well as chapters an the development of pottery studies (from both typological and scientific viewpoints) and an the materials and methods used for the manufacture of pottery. The main part of the book, however, is a profusely illustrated glossary in which pottery styles and types, materials and technology are explained in detail. Much of the data contained has been yielded by the authors' personal research projects, including microscopy and experimental studies and fieldwork with contemporary traditional potters.
List of illustrations VII
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Study of Pottery 5
Chapter 2 The Technology of Prehistoric Pottery 24
Pottery fabrics in prehistory 24
Ceramic technology in prehistory 36
Surface treatments 42
Firing 44
Chapter 3 Chronological Sequence of British Prehistoric Pottery 57
3000-2500 bc 59
2500-1500 bc 61
1500-700 67
700 BC to AD 400 69
Glossary 77
Bibliography 277
1 Artikel