Dobson, Terry and Victor Miller,
Aikido in Everyday Life. Giving in to Get Your Way. 5. Auflage. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 1998. 256 Seiten mit Abbildungen. Broschur. 394 g
Bestell-Nr.156656 | ISBN: 1-55643-151-1
Dobson Miller |
Aikido |
Psychologie |
“Attack-tics" is a system of conflict resolution based on the principles of aikido and maps conflict scenarios we all encounter, showing how “attack-mode" is not the only way to deal with conflict. Not all conflicts are contests, say Dobson and Miller, and not all conflicts are equally threatening. Finding more options to deal with conflict can change how we deal with people. We can become ourselves a “tool for reconciliation."
Preface to the Second Edition . ix
Introduction . xi
I. Losers Weepers
II. Conflict .17
Ill. There's More to Conflict than Fight or Flight .28
IV. Your Conflict Options .36
V. Centering .77
VI. Aiki . 86
VII. Aiki and the Circular Attack . 109
VIll. A Day in the Life . 123
IX. Geometry: The Shape of Conflict . 147
X. Multiple Attack . 181
Xl. But Isn't It Hard to Change? . 201
XII. Now You Try It . 212
XIII. The Most Hostile Aggressor of All . 237
XIV. The Spirit of Attack-tics and the Attack-tics of Spirit 246
Attack-tics Reminders . 253 <