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Lawrence .:. Balm in Gilead

Lawrence Lightfoot, Sara, Balm in Gilead. Journey of a Healer. Reading 1988.
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Lawrence Lightfoot, Sara,
Balm in Gilead. Journey of a Healer. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1988. XX, 321 Seiten mit Abbildungen und Register. Halbleinen mit Schutzumschlag. Grossoktav. 716 g
* Radcliffe Biography Series. - Schutzumschlag mit schwachen Gebrauchsspuren, wenige schwache Markierungen mit Bleistift.
Bestell-Nr.155013 | ISBN: 0-201-51807-4 | 978-0-201-51807-8
Lawrence | Biographien Psychologie | Margaret Lawrence | Paedagogik | Psychiatrie | Psychologie | Kinderpsychiatrie

In Balm in Gilead, Sara Lawrence Lightfoot, the MacArthur Prize—winning sociologist, tells her mother's amazing story with both candor and passion. From girlhood in rigidly segregated Vicksburg, Mississippi, to a distinguished career as a child psychiatrist, Dr. Margaret Lawrence has overcome every obstacle facing black women in our time. After high school in Harlem, she entered Cornell, where, as the only black undergraduate at the time, she supported herself as a maid. From Columbia Medical School and pediatric residency at Harlem Hospital. she went to Nashville to teach at all-black Meharry Medical College, -then returned to New York for work in public health under Benjamin Spock and training at the all-white and largely male Columbia Psychoanalytic Clinic. This stirring portrait is also a mirror to an extraordinary black family, tracing its legacy of preaching, teaching, and healing, as well as a legacy of sorrow: the pain of racism, the destructive hierarchies of skin color and gender which pervade black as well as white society. Myths and stereotypes surround-ing black-family life are exploded by Sara Lawrence Lightfoot. Above all, Balm in Gilead is a romance, the story of an inspired marriage that lasted a half century and made real the dreams of four generations.

"Imagine a well-crafted combination of The Color Purple and the life of, say, Karen Homey, and you see the mixture of elements that make this book both informative and inspiring:
Harvey Cox, Harvard Divinity School

"In this unique love story, a talented daughter magically discovers in her unusual mother the role model, the woman, and the psychoanalyst:
Eleanor Holmes Norton, Georgetown University Law Center
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